# setup-nginx-proxy A bash script and accompanying configuration files for setting up a Nginx reverse proxy on Debian / Ubuntu based systems. The configuration files accompanying the setup script are modified to my own preferred defaults - such as but not limited to: - Number of Nginx Workers 1024 - Optional config files to configure real IP if behind another proxy I've included an example configs in the /etc/nginx/sites-available directory specific for reverse proxies. ## Usage ``` git clone https://gitea.techaddressed.com/robert/setup-nginx-proxy.git cd setup-nginx-proxy ./setup-nginx-proxt.sh ``` ## Contributions Pull requests are always welcome, however, if you'd like to suggest changes please contact me via Twitter ([@techaddressed](https://twitter.com/TechAddressed)) to discuss your proposed changes. ## License [MIT](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)